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Waitangi Tribunal


The Waitangi Tribunal

Our staff have experience in human rights advocacy, civil litigation, criminal law, environmental law, trust law, and other areas. As a firm, we have represented claimants in many different Waitangi Tribunal District inquiries including the East Coast inquiry, the Wairarapa inquiry, the National Park inquiry, the Whanganui inquiry, Te Rohe Potāe inquiry, the Te Paparahi o Te Raki inquiry, the Porirua ki Manawatu inquiry, the Taihape Rangitikei ki Rangipō inquiry, the Te Urewera inquiry and more recently in the North East Bay of Plenty Inquiry and the Renewed Muriwhenua Inquiry. 


Our clients have participated in all the Kaupapa Inquiries since the programmes inception in 2015 including the Māori Military Veterans Kaupapa Inquiry, the Health Services and Outcomes Kaupapa Inquiry, the Housing Policy and Services Kaupapa Inquiry, the Mana Wāhine Kaupapa Inquiry, the Justice System (Te Rau o te Tika) Inquiry and more recently, the Constitutional Kaupapa Inquiry.


Our clients have participated in various urgencies including the Whakatohea Urgency that led to the North East Bay of Plenty historical inquiry, the Oranga Tamariki Urgent Inquiry, the Ngāpuhi Mandate Inquiry as well as prioritised hearings within Inquiries such as the COVID-19 Priority hearing in 2021.

To contact us, email You can also call our office on 0800 37 10 37 to speak with one of the Treaty team directly.

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